Softbank Bid For Sprint Applauded by FCC
Softbank Inc's bid for Sprint won the approval of the FCC. (Photo : Reuters)Softbank Corp won the approval of the FCC for its bid for Sprint Softbank's bid for mobile service provider Sprint Nextel Corp won the support that it needs from the Federal Communications Commission.
Ballmer: Structure Revamp For Microsoft
Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft is doing a structural revamp for Microsoft (Photo : Reuters)Steve Ballmer, Microsoft to undergo structural revamp Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft is considering a structural reorganization that would place Tony Bates, Skype President, in charge of the acquisitions and relations that Microsoft has with other developers.
Grandpoint Bank To Acquire Gilmore Bank
Grandpoint bank signs agreement to acquire Gilmore Bank (Photo : Reuters)Grandpoint Banks signs agreement to acquire Gilmore Bank Grandpoint Bank made the announcement today that they entered an agreement to acquire Gilmore Bank.
Deutsche Annington Cancels July 3 Public Offering
Deutsche Annington cancelled their July 3 market debut. (Photo : Reuters)Deutsche Annington, Germany's largest residential real estate company cancelled its market offering for July 3.