Sources: Vodafone to Propose a New Bid for Kabel on Monday
Two sources told Reuters on Sunday that Vodafone proposed a new bid for Kabel Deutschland early on Monday.
Lloyds Asks for Two Year Extension on Branches Sale
Lloyds Banking Group asked for a two year extension from the European Commission for the sale of its 631 branches.
Buyout Firms in Europe Net Half of Pre 2008 Levels
CVC Capital Partners and Apax Partners LLP show promising results as one of the top buyout firms in Europe.
Bank Regulators Studying Increasing Simple Leverage Ratio
Bank regulators are now considering increasing the simple leverage ratio to 6%. (Photo : REUTERS)The JP Morgan Chase & Co. headquarters is pictured in New York In a surprising move, US regulators are now studying a proposal to double the minimum capital requirements for its largest banks.
Latest News
Stock markets fell after a comment by Fed chairman Ben Bernanke stating its plan to pull back monthly purchases of assets.
Japan planned to limit spending excluding payment of debts for the next two fiscal years. (Photo : Reuters)The image shows a man passing by the electronic board that displays Nikkei shares closing prices.
Asian markets buckled badly after the Federal Reserve indicated eventual end to free money on Thursday.
On Thursday, the Swiss National Bank announced that Credit Suisse and UBS must cut their debt levels that still top international rivals.
Rockwood Holdings Inc. cancelled a planned auction combination of its titanium dioxide and performance additives units.
Stock markets from Asia and Australia prepared for a decline after the United States began to withdraw stimulus.
Swedish big banks' capital strength are more vulnerable to risk than what appears on paper. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the face of a Swedish kronor bill.
Investors are pulling back from placing bets on emerging markets due to risks brought about by China.
Banks from Switzerland are being pressured by European and United States governments to release private information.
The US and European governments won't be able to make any significant cut back on its deficits, according to investors.