Mayors: Cap on municipal bond would hinder growth
The U.S. Conference of Mayors said President Barack Obama's financial plan would hurt the economy.
Coeure: ECB has Euros 50 billion in SMEs
Benoit Coeure, ECB Executive Board member, said the bank has Euro 50 billion on loans to small and mid-sized businesses.
Canadian investors want protection from Pakistan
Canadian investors fear the lack of transparency and inappropriate conduct from Pakistani government.
TrimTabs reports losses amounting to US$47.2 billion in June
TrimTabs has reported losses amounting to US$47.2 billion for bond mutual funds and bond ETFs. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the gold inset sign of Wall Street.
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Closed end funds are increasing in number and value, with 24 funds launched having US$10.5 billion in portfolio value.
Many investors are divesting their bond holdings because of current economic conditions. (Photo : Reuters)The image are two bond traders on the floor of a stock exchange.
Chinese fund managers suggested a lower exposure to stocks due to a probable cash squeeze. (Photo : Reuters)The image is a bank teller counting yuan. Fund managers from China lowered their preferred exposure to bonds and stocks this June as concerns regarding the effects of a cash squeeze in the money market were raised.
Pekao, after failing to purchase Nordea Bank Polska, is now seeking out new acquisitions. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the corporate logo of Bank Pekao SA.
The chairman of the Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission allays fears of liquidity issues saying that the system has sufficient funds to cover all settlements.
Outflows continue in record breaking fashion, as a total of $23 billion, the biggest since 1992, was reported.
Viktor Vekselberg continues expanding by initiating a bid to buy Schmolz+Bickenbach. (Photo : Reuters)Russian tycoon Viktor Vekselberg gives a speech in an assembly.
Europe, Middle East, and Africa all experienced a generally flat syndicated lending volume. (Photo : Reuters)The European Central Bank is expected to print money to prevent a further escalation of the euro zone's debt crisis.
The European Central Bank would suspend the eligibility of Cyprus's debt due to its demand to refinance its operations.
The South Korean F-X was extended to July 2 after receiving overwhelming bids from interested investors.