
Angelsense, An App That Tracks The Location Of Your Autistic Child Ensuring More Safety

Angelsense is an application that can be used to track the locations of children with autism. Children with autism are often wandering off. With the features in this application, parents can find out where their children are, and also receive alert messages if their children move to unusual locations.

Internet Addiction: South Korea Has a Camp to Help Young People With Internet Addiction

The advancement of the internet in South Korea has brought some advantages as well as social issues. Internet addiction has been a concern in the country, and the government is helping to solve the issue with some programs, including rehabilitation camps.

Economy Growth: UN Report Reveals India Would be The Fastest-Growing Economy in 2016

The report estimated India's economic growth to be at 7.3 percent in 2016, and the growth would increase even more in 2017. India is already one of the world's fastest-growing economy last year, benefiting from the sharp decline of oil, metals, and food price.

PC Atari Collection To Be Released This Year Includes Tempest And Asteroids, Bringing Back Classic Games In Modern Era

Atari will release a new Atari game collection, which consists of 100 re-imagined classic games. The Atari Vault will also include the iconic titles, such as Tempest and Asteroids. The launch is expected to be done in Spring this year. There are some upgrades and new features added in the games that will make fans feel the classic experience in this modern time.

Latest News

The media research firm Nielsen will enhance its methods for measuring people’s TV watching activities using the new “Social Content Ranking,” which will use Facebook and Twitter for their surveys.
A new app called Nutriray3D lets users to scan their food to determine calorie and nutrient count, but the company is still raising $50,000-worth of funds.
BBC journalist Rana Rahimpour who has a dual British-Iranian nationality was restricted from flying to the US due to changes to visa rules. Journalist deemed the new rules unfair.
The raiding of the party drug factories unravels that the drugs didn't come from foreign countries but instead being manufactured in India. The factories already have the license to manufacture drugs but were misusing the license to produce party drugs. Next, the agencies will trace back where the basic chemicals for the mass production of the party drug are originated.
The move to legalize online poker started six months ago and a few changes have been seen since then. The legalization is expected to stop illegal online gambling that has been going on in the country since the activity was banned, and in turn, could also increase tax revenues for Russia. The rest of terms and time measures on this remain unknown.
Microsoft Corp. CEO Satya Nadella announced that the company launched an initiative that would help university and nonprofits researchers for the next three years, by donating $1 billion worth of Microsoft Cloud Services.
After the remelting scandal that hit Mast Brothers’ hipster chocolate, certain retail stores selling the product claim that sales of the bar went down by 66 percent.
The emoji features a koala wearing a pair of sunglasses, and will appear automatically when a user tweets using the hashtag #AustraliaDay. An event on Tuesday marks the opening of the digital celebration one week prior to the national holiday on January 26. Australian netizens are also encouraged to tweet their stories and views on the holiday.
Previously, an experiment team of a space gardening project called Veggie has also succeeded planting consumable lettuce. The flower bloom is a remarkable step forward to a more advanced technique and choice of plants to grow in space. The project was established because NASA seeks to learn how astronauts can grow their own food in space to sustain long-term space journey.
The initial study was conducted with rats, but it was confirmed that the researchers seek to extend the new findings to human. The biodegradable chip was expected to help doctors monitor their patients better while reducing risks of removal re-operation, such as infections.
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