Working Mothers Magazine cited excellent companies for working moms
It's no longer unusual if you see working mothers in the office, streets, or restaurants. With the high cost of living, children's education, and bills to pay, couples should help each other to make both ends meet.
Smartest ways to budget baby spending for new parents
Raising a baby is expensive. First-time parents could easily get lost navigating across tedious budgeting task for their baby. Huffington Post reported that the US Department of Agriculture found out that the middle-income family spends an average of $13,000 during the first year of a baby.
Career Women can Increase Impact, Influence and Income
It's now time for girl power and enough of the gender inequality. What men can do can be done by women as well. Almost half a billion women already joined the world's labor force over the past 30 years, and women now credit more than 40% of workers all around the world. One reason for the additional workforce is the unprecedented fertility reduction in most distinct countries like Bangladesh, Colombia, and the Islamic Republic of Iran together with the female education improvements, according to International Monetary Fund.
Make Your Workplace Stress-Free in 9 Easy Ways
Everyday work stress you out draining most of your energy and worst, develops health problems. But there are ways you can combat stress and get back to work with more energy and optimism. A work cannot be called work without getting stressed. Every day you need to wake up early to avoid jam-packed traffic as well as the sarcastic greeting from your boss of arriving late.