
Making The Great “Goodbye, Job” a Better “Hello, Opportunities”

Whatever your reason on why you have to leave your current job doesn't matter. It's about your response. When doing a work exit, most employees are usually overwhelmed in the situation they are in. May your reason be a dreadful working environment, tyrannical hierarchy, or a new, greener field you are excited to be yourself in, you have to remember that leaving is not just all about you-- it is for every person in the room as well.

These 10 cities consider short work hours as source of pride

In America, employees work an average of almost 47 hours a week and rather choose to have more flexible time on the job than less time. Normally a full-time employee works 40 hours or more in a week but at some Swedish firms, work period is cut to 30 hours. Studies showed that lesser hours of work makes employees more productive and promotes better morale, according to CNN Money.

World Bank sees global poverty to slip below 10% for first time

The percentage of poor people in the global population is expected to fall below 10 percent in 2015 for the first time, according to the forecast made by World Bank.

Working Mothers Magazine cited excellent companies for working moms

It's no longer unusual if you see working mothers in the office, streets, or restaurants. With the high cost of living, children's education, and bills to pay, couples should help each other to make both ends meet.

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Everyday work stress you out draining most of your energy and worst, develops health problems. But there are ways you can combat stress and get back to work with more energy and optimism. A work cannot be called work without getting stressed. Every day you need to wake up early to avoid jam-packed traffic as well as the sarcastic greeting from your boss of arriving late.
There is more to saving than just trying not to spend and keeping money. It is an art that should be studied, practiced, and mastered.
Single people who were never married have lesser Social Security filing option. But still, you have to understand what they are and which one fits your needs best, according to Forbes.
Credit score health is as important as one's reputation. Building a good credit score takes years, but it only takes an instant to destroy it, hence the comparison. The health of one's credit score lies on how someone has been responsible with his or her finances.
Most consider their Social Security as their biggest asset. But to get the best from your lifetime benefits, you must know what and when to collect.
For most people, purchases are made using debit or credit cards. If one is not careful enough with the use of his debit/credit card, he will surely be in big trouble with debts and interests.
The latest rankings on most expensive states in the US reveal that New York is no more the most expensive place in America. The Aloha State (Hawaii became Aloha State officially by 1959 Legislative Act) moved up to the top position in the list of most expensive state in the US for first quarter of 2015 from second most expensive state status in 2014.
When it comes to jobs, there are variations in the gender, race, color, and most of all the age. Wherever you look there are older workers who got old working in a certain company or already at that age and was still able to work because of his knowledge and skills.
The issue of student loan debt has leapt into the spotlight this election season, and people are more intent than ever to hear what the presidential hopefuls have to say about this particular issue.
There are many ways you might have contributed too much to your IRA without knowing it. Maybe the full amount was contributed to both a traditional and a Roth IRA. Perhaps you set up a monthly contribution that automatically pays and forgot to put a stop to it before your contribution limit exceeded. Or, maybe you just screwed up.
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