
Study shows, oral contraceptives do not lead to birth defects

Taking oral birth control pills after, before, or during pregnancy doesn’t lead to higher risk of birth defects, according to a new study by US and Denmark researchers.

People send thanks to Apple, saying its Watch saved their lives

Despite the threats that Apple Watch could fail, the company’s COO Jeff Williams said in a radio interview that they have been receiving “tons of emails” from people who say that the device actually saved their lives.

Bewildered Police found Thousands of Euros Floating in Danube River

The Police of Austria has been left bewildered after they found thousands of euro banknotes floating in Danube River. Soon after the discovery, police officers called all the banks of Danube in Vienna. During this euro rescue mission, bystanders observed an anonymous boy jumped into the river.

6 tips to avoid over spending

Holiday occasions bring smiles and enthusiasm in thousands of people as they celebrate by exchanging gifts and inviting people for a feast. This sometimes can lead to overspending, thus making a household budget jeopardized.

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Pope Francis urged Catholics on Wednesday to avoid using smartphones and other technological devices at the dinner table. Mashable reported that Pope Francis told the audiences at the St. Peter's Square in Vatican City to set aside technology when eating meals and talk face-to-face to encourage togetherness and connection, which is very important for a family.
The millennial generation, those in the 18 - 34 age range, have been slow to enter the home buying market. Sidelined by student loan debts, high unemployment, and tighter mortgage credit, millennials have a different outlook on home ownership as other generations have in the past.
It is a well-known fact that interest continuously accumulate on your credit card amount with time, raising the loan you owe to the credit card company. Consumers have a solution to this problem in order to maintain a good credit score and to avoid the burden of debt entirely. What they only have to do is use their credit card wisely and follow some simple rules.
A new study reveals that the number of millennials living with housemates increased significantly by 39 percent. Make Room is a campaign that aims to end the housing crisis in America.
Home-based businesses have proven to be one of the best business start-ups. With a good goal-setting attitude and strong discipline, one can easily enjoy the benefits that home-based business brings.
Holiday is the most wonderful time of the year. But it can also be the most stressful, especially on our financials. For many people, the holiday also means lots of spending.
Whether it's for an emergency fund, a college education, or a comfortable retirement, it's important to have savings. It's a crucial step in taking control of your financial life and can even have positive effects to other areas such as your emotional and physical wellbeing.
Whatever your reason on why you have to leave your current job doesn't matter. It's about your response. When doing a work exit, most employees are usually overwhelmed in the situation they are in. May your reason be a dreadful working environment, tyrannical hierarchy, or a new, greener field you are excited to be yourself in, you have to remember that leaving is not just all about you-- it is for every person in the room as well.
In America, employees work an average of almost 47 hours a week and rather choose to have more flexible time on the job than less time. Normally a full-time employee works 40 hours or more in a week but at some Swedish firms, work period is cut to 30 hours. Studies showed that lesser hours of work makes employees more productive and promotes better morale, according to CNN Money.
The percentage of poor people in the global population is expected to fall below 10 percent in 2015 for the first time, according to the forecast made by World Bank.
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