
How To Tell My Parents I’m Gay?

Coming out is never easy. But is a good thing because you are true not only to yourself but also to people surrounds you.

Benefits of Marijuana: Weed Legalization Petition Spread? White House Opposes

A draft of the petition for the legalization of marijuana use for recreation has been filed to the office of the state Attorney General by a leading marijuana legalization advocacy in Massachusetts. The state's Attorney General welcomes the petition but White House remains its position to oppose legalizing weed use until research proves otherwise.

Sharing-economy jobs make taxes uber-complicated

Before Jane LeBoeuf started driving for Uber and Lyft, doing her taxes was cheap and easy. LeBoeuf would swing by the local H&R Block office, pay $150 and end up with a refund. But now, that is not the case.

Clinton: Unfair that fund managers pay lower tax rate than truckers

Democrat Hillary Clinton blasted executive pay and tax rates for hedge-fund managers on Tuesday, using the first stop of her low-key campaign rollout in Iowa to highlight her promise to help Americans struggling toward economic recovery.

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A diamond brooch given by Spain's King Alfonso XII to his wife as a wedding gift and ruby ear pendants once owned by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis are among highlights of an auction of precious jewels that could fetch more than $80 million, Christie's said on Thursday.
Explores how the photos taken by curiosity rover could give us enough evidence of life in the Red Planet. However, article notes it may not be conclusive.
There's global LGBT discrimination over gay marriage practices. On the other hand, same-sex marriage has, over the years, been gaining much support. Revered religious institutions like the Roman Catholic Church and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, among others, have frowned on same-sex marriage, but across the world, governments of several countries have stated that they will no longer ban same-sex marriage.
For over 15 years, Raoul Meno has been fishing the waters off the coastal town of Kribi in southern Cameroon. He has sometimes had to face down storms and high seas to bring home a catch to support his family. But now, he is scared.
William Shakespeare's Globe theaters is taking on a new role as a financial trail-blazer by seeking to tap into a form of funding dominated to date by social enterprises and charities.
For ardent young readers like you who have a sheer taste for a deep sense of epic fantasy adventure novel where a whole new mysterious world of dragons, kings, sorcerer's magic, fairies, and elves comes alive more than you could've imagined, then Charlie Sparks: A Sorcerer's Tale is definitely a must-own, must read book for you.
Beyonce is rumored to be working on a new studio album that will be released on 2016. A rumored back to roots album that may include her sisters in the defunked group Destiny's Child is also allegedly on the works. Divorce and baby issues are currently being ignored by the power couple.
Language is basically made to make humanity a less difficult through making billions of people around the world understand each other. Declared by law, English [rather than German] was made the universal language for the world. Thus, it also means that each people at least know basic English words so they could communicate properly.
Starbucks Corp (SBUX.O) head Howard Schultz told employees on Sunday they will no longer be encouraged to write "Race Together" on drinks cups, but the company's effort to promote discussion of racial issues “is far from over”.
Is heaven a reality or just a product of our imagination? Learn more from here. In 2014, Heaven is for Real movie was released. The movie did so-so according to reviews, but it was able to hit the box office.
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