How To Tell My Parents I’m Gay?
Coming out is never easy. But is a good thing because you are true not only to yourself but also to people surrounds you.
Benefits of Marijuana: Weed Legalization Petition Spread? White House Opposes
A draft of the petition for the legalization of marijuana use for recreation has been filed to the office of the state Attorney General by a leading marijuana legalization advocacy in Massachusetts. The state's Attorney General welcomes the petition but White House remains its position to oppose legalizing weed use until research proves otherwise.
Sharing-economy jobs make taxes uber-complicated
Before Jane LeBoeuf started driving for Uber and Lyft, doing her taxes was cheap and easy. LeBoeuf would swing by the local H&R Block office, pay $150 and end up with a refund. But now, that is not the case.
Clinton: Unfair that fund managers pay lower tax rate than truckers
Democrat Hillary Clinton blasted executive pay and tax rates for hedge-fund managers on Tuesday, using the first stop of her low-key campaign rollout in Iowa to highlight her promise to help Americans struggling toward economic recovery.