Simon Nixon to Sell Nearly 15% Stake of Moneysupermarket.Com
Moneysupermarket.Com founder Simon Nixon sells nearly 15% stake of the firm, his first ever disposal since the company got listed in 2007.
CT Corp to Buy 80% Stake of Telkomvision
CT Corp announces to buy 80% of Telkomvision stake in Indonesia for less than US$100 million deal. (Photo : Reuters)CT Corp Founder and Chairman Chairul Tanjung June 5, Indonesian billionaire Chairul Tanjung agrees to buy 80% stake in the second largest pay-TV operator in the country, Telkomvision.
Microsoft Founder, Bill Gates Invest US$35 Billion for ReasearchGate
Bill Gates leads investment of US$35 Billion for ResearchGate, a Berlin based network for scientists.
Paradis Squashes Telus Takeover Deal Application for Mobilicity
Canadian Industry Minister, Christian Paradis squashes Telus Corp's application for a takeover deal with Mobilicity following the Canadian ban for spectrum licenses acquisition from smaller rival companies.