
Willis Group Hires Investment Banker

Willis Group Insurance hires Michael Guo, a former investment banker. The world's third largest insurance broker, Willis Group Holdings Plc, has engaged the services of Michael Guo as its new head of Asia for capital markets operations.

Consilio of STG Names VP of Products and Director of Software

STG's Consilio appoints new VP of Products and Director of Software. Consilio, disclosed today the appointment of Pete Feinberg as the Vice President of Products and Mark Roesler as the Director of Software Development.

Cohen Subpoenad for Grand Jury Testimony

Cohen receives subpoena to testify before grand jury. Steven A. Cohen, the embattled hedge fund manager, has received a subpoena requiring his testimony before a grand jury on the government's insider trading investigation into his private equity firm, SAC Capital Advisors.

Loeb shares insights on investment ideas on Japan

Loeb shares insights on its investment ideas on Japan and his style. Daniel Loeb, the billionaire investor is not one to shy away from a good deal but as of the moment, he has his eyes set on Japan.

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These are the thoughts of Hiren Ved of Alchemy Capital Management from an interview with Nikunj Dalmia.
Huawei and ZTE to be investigated by EU Trade Commission for anti-dumping and anti-subsidy violations.
Hans Sicat gets third term and promises new investment vehicles for the Philippine bourse in the coming year.
Being Einhorned is a new term in financial circles. Very few hedge fund managers receive as much hype and attention as David Einhorn would get with just a simple interview.
Vikram Pandit, the former CEO of Citigroup would be part of the JM Financial management team to grow the business.
NBGI Private Equity signs Tim Kelly as its second board member for its Senior Industry Advisory Board.
ADIA appoints John McCarthy to head its global division for infrastructure investments. One of the world's biggest sovereign wealth funds, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority announced the appointment of John McCarthy as global division head of infrastructure.
Third Point's Daniel S. Loeb is seeking the break up of Sony into separate parts for more focused business and profit.
Family funds such as the Reimann family have eased out other private equity firms in terms of long term investments.
Bloomberg Editor in Chief issues an apology, calling the access as inexcusable. The Editor in Chief of Bloomberg News, Matthew Winkler, apologized Monday for allowing its journalists 'limited access' to sensitive data on how clients utilized the ubiquitous Bloomberg terminals.
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