Best Buy Rejects Plan
Best Buy closes door on takeover bid of its founder. The latest offer from its minority ownership was considered 'poor' by Best Buy Co. , prompting it to reject the bid by Richard Shulze's private equity sponsors.
CEO for Thales Forecast Better Days
New Thales CEO projecting future of company. Newly appointed Thales SA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jean-Bernard Levy has been on the job for the last two and a half months.
Nomura Holdings to Appoint New Candidates in Dubai After Loss of Top Executives
Nomura is now in search for new candidates to fill in vacant slots after several executives left the company as a result of cost control.
Goldman Hires Overton
Goldman Sachs hires Amy Overton, former VP for Citigroup. Lobbyist Amy Overton, formerly of Citigroup Inc, has taken a job with its nearest rival, Goldman Sachs Group Inc.