SAC Capital Manager Indicted Over Insider Trading
Portfolio manager Michael Steinberg at Steven A. Cohen's hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors was arrested on as part of a long-running investigation on insider trading.
Warren Buffet to Become Major Goldman Sachs Shareholder
Warren Buffet, an American businessman, will become one of the ten largest shareholders in Goldman following a deal he signed with the bank to exchange his profits on warrants for stock.
Icahn and Blackstone Open Discussion on Team Up
Icahn and Blackstone open discussion to team up on Dell buyout. Two of the most renowned equity investors in the United States may very well put a damper on the US$24.
Arabtec Appoints Former Deutsche Bank executive as M&A Head
Construction firm Arabtec has hired Shohidul Ahad-Choudhury, former executive of Deutsche Bank as the new mergers and acquisitions head.