Nestle - L'Oreal in Excellent Relationship
Nestle, L'Oreal and the Bettencourts chequered history in business. The present situation of L'Oreal and Nestle relationship "isn't on the agenda for the time being," commented Jean-Paul Agon, CEO of L'Oreal in an interview with Investir, a French weekly magazine, which was published today.
Schauble Urges Investors to be More Involved
Schauble gives his candid thoughts on investor participation, the Cyprus bailout and the European economy as a whole.
UBS banker leaves for the Blackstone Group
UBS banker, also a vice chairman at UBS is leaving for Blackstone Group. According to two anonymous sources familiar with the move, the global head of industrial investment banking of UBS has resigned from the bank to join the advisory business of The Blackstone Group.
DN Capital Welcome Imran Akram
DN Capital welcomes to the fold Imran Akram who would focus on finding equity deals in the digital media and software niche market.