Raw Garden Product Director Khalid Al Naser Talks About His Journey And Future Prospects Of The Brand
There's been a lot of choking in the nascent days of commercial cannabis growing in Santa Barbara County, especially as white-tented, periodically pungent farms expanded into the heart of wine country. As repeatedly covered in both this newspaper and much larger publications, this 21st-century cultivation conflict triggered lawsuits, contentious county hearings, and no shortage of seemingly endless squabbling, much of it between grape and cannabis growers themselves.
The Economic Fallout From the Pandemic is Larger Than the Health Crisis - Jack Skipp
With news that COVID-19 vaccines are on the horizon, the world has breathed a collective sigh of relief. The once-in-a-lifetime health crisis caused by the pandemic has left countries across the globe in a state of utter devastation. Yet hopefully, the best scientific minds have conspired to finally end the physical threat of the coronavirus.
The Number Of Women-Owned Businesses Is Exploding. Why Does The Digital Space Lag?
The number of women-owned businesses has been exploding, but not in one part of the economy where you'd expect it to be: digital-only businesses. The number of women-owned businesses grew 58% between 2007-2018, according to the American Express 2018 State of Women-Owned Business, compared with 12% for all businesses.
Is Delivery A Solution To Restaurant Staffing Problems? Deliveroo Gets Amazon Cash
Deliveroo doesn't have a presence yet in the United States, but if you live in London, you bump into the food delivery company all the time. Its drivers zoom around on motorbikes and scooters, dropping off breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks to homes and offices around the city.