
Disneyland Comes Up With New Ride, People Howls

Disneyland is changing one of its known rides, the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. Disney is making a major change to its ride particularly with Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.

Threat: After ISIS, People From Mosul Fear What Comes Next

Mosul is a city in northern Iraq and is occupied since June 2014 by ISIS. Mosul is once home to 70,000 Arameans Christians there are possibly none left today in Mosul, any that do remain are forced to pay a tax for remaining Christian, and live under the constant threat of violence.

Tobey Maguire Breaks Up With Wife Jennifer Meyer amidst 9 Years of Marriage

Tobey Maguire also known for Sam Raimi’s Spiderman Trilogy and the jewellery designer wife Jennifer Meyer have announced it over.

President Obama Commends Italy For A Bold Leadership

President Barack Obama, aiming to strengthen a close ally, expressed his support behind Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s efforts in overhauling the country’s political system and lifting its economy, Tuesday.

Latest News

A new vibe emerged in San Francisco on this year’s SOCAP (Social Capital Markets Conference) conference – a premier gathering on impact investment and social entrepreneurship. The conference is historically focused on Cleanteach – getting money into hard to reach areas – providing basic human services like sanitation and clean water to those who need it most.
Jennifer Lopez broke up with her boyfriend Casper Smart for the third time because of cheating. Jennifer Lopez and her on and off relationship with Casper Smart have split once more and that the reason behind this break-up once more is that once again, the 29 year old choreographer has once again been unfaithful to the 47 year old singer.
Jessica Biel's new movie entitled "The Book of Love" will be out onJanuary 2017. The 34 year old actress Jessica Biel attended the premier of her new film "The Book of Love".
The American Heart Association has released a scientific statement which call doctors to have a training. The training asked the physicians to be the lifestyle leaders.It calls for a focus and rigid training of the physicians to improve the critical aspect of patient care.
Citrus Greening. This process is further complicated by the systemic nature of the disease, said Fred Gmitter, another UF professor at Lake Alfred who is conducting CRISPR research, and who earlier helped map the genome of the sweet orange.
Facebook, the parent company of Oculus, begins to widen its users’ imaginations with its newest virtual reality technology. This technology will determine how social interaction from users around the World Wide Web happens, and the good news is, we may witness the initial preparations for this advancement earlier than it is expected.
WhatsApp is now improving as it entails more advancements and application innovation for its users. Last month, the world kicked off about the fact that WhatsApp announced its intentions to share your data with Facebook.
A significant step is now made in an international effort to prevent global warming from reaching a hopeless condition. Early Saturday morning, more than 170 countries decided to restrict emissions of key pollutants found in air conditioners.
Most retailers are not opening during this year’s Thanksgiving Day contradictory to the trend of launching Black Friday sales a day early.
Kanye West is now finally back to LA for his family. After his tours, West is now with his family and mostly for his wife Kim who was a recent victim of diamond ring robbery.
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