Rihanna Gets Terribly Emotional Over Back-Up Dancer Lost
Hollywood stars Beyoncé, Rihanna, Missy Elliott and Jamie Foxx are feeling miserable about the lost of 32-year-old Shirlene Quigley backup dancer since Sunday.
Miley Cyrus Got Stoned During Bill Murray Tribute; Blames Lyrical Stumble
Miley Cyrus impugned being “too stoned” for making an error with the lyrics during her performance on Sunday at the Washington, D.C.
Deborah Lloyd Shares Secret Over Kate Spade New York Success
In the long-running series, "How I'm Making It," people working on the fashion industry tells about how they all started and how they achieved a stunning success.
Alliance Leaders Now Main Subjects For Lifestyle Audits
Declarations of assets and income will become a mandatory order to all African National Congress leaders and members of alliance partners COSATU, South African Communist Party, and SANCO to stop corruption.