
NOVA Lifestyle Inc. Appoints Lam As Interim CEO

Facing a lot of depressions due to vast change in its country's economy, Nova Lifestyle Inc. appoints new Interim CEO, Thanh Lam.

Europe Initiates Deal to Return Refugees to Afghanistan

The European Union made a deal with the Afghanistan government. The agreement was signed on Sunday. Europe officials denied that the repatriation deal was a condition.

Asia Rounds Up Regulations, To Adopt 10 EMA Guidelines

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia seeks suggestions after it announced its plan to adopt new EMA guidelines. Said guidelines include clinical development of drugs against Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). TGA will accept comments until 9 November.

Health Check: 7 of 10 Deaths Caused By Wrong Diet And Lifestyle

Bad diets and wrong lifestyle can surely cause sever cases of diseases like cancer, high blood pessure, stroke, etc, or worst, death.

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Guterres, 67 year old will be replacing Ban Ki-Moon, 72 year old of Korea who will step down at the end of 2016 after serving two terms. Guterres was the Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995-2002.
According to Forbes, Republican Presidential nominee, Donald Trump falls off 35 Spots on Forbes as one of the wealthiest billionaire this year.
These are three of the million tips on how to prevent breast cancer. For women in the United States, breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, making it the second most common and lethal type of cancer among American women.
Affordable Care Act was criticized by Former President Bill Clinton during the campaign of his in Michigan on Monday.
$456 million in increased pay and incentives upon casting the votes on a new contract later this month by Southwest Airlines flight attendant will be weighing a deal worth
The famous baseball pitcher died at 24. His teammates had pledge to donate funds under her expected baby's name.
Upholding diplomacy, US starts peace talks with Russia over Syria Attacks. Now emphasizing diplomacy, the Obama administration has just withdrew its cooperation with Russia over Syria wars.
The mother of the 6-year old boy was in grief for losing such a hero in her life. Raena Hall narrated that his boy was very mature of his age. He has the ability to comfort her in bad times. The chid was shot in his school playground.
Despite territorial dispute, Philiipine Pres. Rudy Duterte announces posibble trade exchange with China and Russia.
Dr. Zhang of new york let a baby born with 3 parents bilogical. Found new discovery. New York Dr. John Zhang discovers a controversial technique that uses DNA from three parents to give birth to a child.
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