XYZ to host Google's Alphabet, Inc. but owner says the domain is not for sale

After Google announced that they are using .xyz as the Alphabet Inc.'s domain, Daniel Negari, the 29-year-old owner of .xyz told the reports that the domain is not for sale.

Tianjin blasts estimated to $1.5 billion in insurance claims

Due to a series of explosions leaving hundreds of people death and others injured, while some are still missing, China is about to start a wave of insurance claims.

Euro nations take a vote on Greece bailout ahead of crucial meetings

Greek is heading towards a third round of bailout package when the crisis-hit nation is about to make repayment of euro 3.2billion to the European Central Bank. The third bailout plan for ailing Greece economy is creating tremors in the European Union (EU). German's decision is crucial on Wednesday.

Puerto Rico responds to fiscal crisis with a regressive tax that could hurt country's bottom line, poor people

Puerto Rico is jacking up its sales tax in a bid to address its fiscal problems. This is considered a regressive move that could ultimately hurt the country's bottom line and its countless poor people.

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Citigroup executive and author of "Banker to the World" Bill Rhodes revealed some of the biggest financial regrets of revolutionary and Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
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