Chicago catching up fast as next Silicon Valley hub
With California's real estate over saturating fast, Chicago is poised to be next best option among other potential cities to be future Silicon Valley tech hubs.
ACLU is looking for mistreated Amazon employees
In The Seattle Times Friday edition, the ACLU placed a whole page ad looking for current and former Amazon employees who believe they were mistreated during their employment .
China devaluation: Is it a serious concern for US economy?
The recent devaluation of Chinese currency Yuan has already started creating tremors in the global markets and more precisely in the US economy as it's triggering an imbalance in international trade.
Drop in consumption, exports squeeze Japan’s export basket
The reduction in consumer spending and drop in exports are squeezing the world's third largest economy. During April-June quarter, exports from Japan eased putting further pressure on the Japanese economy, which slowed down at 1.6 percent annual growth rate as against the forecast of 1.9 percent.