Telecoms have room for growth as mobile tech expands - analysts

Analysts noted that Verizon, AT&T and Sprint would all have a room for growth if they would make strategies that would benefit the services they offer for their customers.

Toshiba cut costs in TVs, PCs due to weak demand

Toshiba would cut its expenses on its TV and PC business by US$300 million over the next two years. On Friday, Toshiba Corp of Japan said that it would cut a total of JPY10 billion equivalent to US$100 million in costs in its enterprise on PC and television.

Technology blamed as "The Oil Drum" website is archived

Furious debates arose as the website "The Oil Drum" is archived. With the recent decision to shelf the website "The Oil Drum", many are saying that it marks the end of an era.

EU regulators accept Penguin's pledge to scrap Apple ebook deals

The European Commission accepted the book publisher's pledge to end its ebook deals with Apple that breached EU laws on competition.

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Liberty Global increased their stakes in Ziggo from 12.65% to 28.5%. Liberty Global announced that they have increased their stake in the Dutch cable operator Ziggo.
Facebook is doing a good job, but I’d rather look at other companies first, according to Chris Hobbart of Hobbart Financial Group.
YouTube's performance against rival Netflix will impact how investors see Google in the future, analysts said.
Microsoft said that they developed a way to embed information on 3D printed objects. Traditional consumer products and merchandise usually have barcodes and tags that contain pricing and other related information about it.
After a sleepy first half this year, capital goods spending arose last month, bolstering hopes of faster economic growth.
Herve Gisserot replaces Mark Reilly as GSK's head of operations in China in the wake of the bribery scandal faced by the pharmaceutical company.
Premium of Yandex over rivals Google and Baidu swelled after Russian Internet advertisement demand increased.
Microsoft's recent fumbles and non-interest in its mobile phone ventures left Finnish company Nokia on the deep end.
Samsung continued to see growth in its market share. Although Samsung may not have performed well in terms of profit, it was gaining some traction in terms of market share.
According to analysts, the reorganization in Microsoft would help it bounce back due to the change in its attitude towards competition.
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