YouTube earns 10% of Google's total revenue

YouTube generates around US$4 billion to US$5.6 billion of Google's total earnings. Google's YouTube was put into the background after the tech titan's new Nexus 7, Chromecast and Google Glass innovation.

For now, Microsoft won't win against Qualcomm - analysts

Analysts said that Microsoft would not win against the currently fast growing chipmaker Qualcomm. Microsoft's struggles do not stop with its problems in the software industry because it also faces a tough rival in the hardware sector.

Microsoft is more behind than it thinks

Analysts stated that the tablet industry took over the PC industry's shine and if Microsoft wanted to get back, it needs to focus on a mobile-computer enterprise.

Google's gain is Apple's loss

Analysts said that Google would continue to increase its global market shares as Apple losses its shares due to the lack of immediate product launch.

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