Admeta Signs Supplier Agreement With BBC Worldwide
Admeta announced the signing of a supplier agreement with BBC worlwide private ad exchange Admeta announced that they have signed a supplier agreement with BBC Worldwide to optimize and monetize the Good Food and Top Gear properties outside of the United Kingdom.
Credit Suisse Targets $94 Million Hit From UK Tax Deal
Credit Suisse estimated that they will receive US$94 Million hits from UK tax deal Credit Suisse forecasted that they are expecting a loss of CHF90 million or something in the area of US$94.
Swedish Government in a Deficit in June
The Swedish government declared a deficit in June. The Swedish government declared a deficit in government payments amounting to SEK6. 4 billion in June, under SEK28.
Azimuth Changes Board Prior to Troy Resources' Takeover
Azimuth changed its board members prior to Troy Resources' takeover. Azimuth Resources Limited, a company involved in the exploration of gold and uranium in Guyana, announced that there would changes its board members prior to Troy Resources Limited's takeover of the company.