Waze paves way for Israel startups

Google's acquisition of Waze could put Israel's tech development industry back on the map, analysts said.

Dixon Advisory gathers US$161 million

Dixon Advisory raised US$161 million for a new commercial asset fund. (Photo : Reuters)This is the logo of Dixon Advisory. Dixon Advisory, a financial planning entity, announced today that raised a total of US$161 million for a new commercial property fund.

UPDATE: EBX Group collapses after Batista's exit

EBX Group's shares were considered worthless as the company officially breaks up today. (Photo : Reuters)This is Eike Batista. The exit of Brazilian billionaire Eike Batistsa from MPX Energia officially started the collapse of his former industrial conglomerate giant EBX Group.

Bad Reputation Leads to Falling Stock Prices for Manila Water Company

Manila Water Company's (MWC) stock prices plummeted after a week since it was reported that the water regulator was letting its consumers pay for its taxes.

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The African Development Bank conducted feasibility studies on Northeast African projects. (Photo : Reuters)This is the Nile River in modern times. African Development Bank's energy sector official Khalid Al Askari said today that the bank have conducted studies on a planned electricity link investment project spanning three countries - Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt.
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According to sources, Barclays PLC, Citigroup Inc and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are set to manage Eastern Europe's largest budget carrier, WIzz Air's initial public offering.
Sindh chief minister urged foreign and local investors to invest in the region's several industries.
An estimated 84 megawatts of power will be generated after a pipeline investment is made in the Gulf region.
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To achieve the 3% leverage ratio target proposed by Basel, analysts claimed that Deutsche Bank still has to increase its capital or decrease its assets by 409 billion Euros.
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Russia's Gazprombank has withdrawn from the Swiss franc Tier 2 Bond deal, source revealed. (Photo : maximzimin. com)Gazprombank pulls out of deal allegedly While the third largest bank belonging to the Russian Federation, Gazprombank, has yet to give an official statement on this move, the source confirmed that the bank preferred to wait for better market conditions before continuing on with the Swiss Franc Tier 2 deal.