Zalando Continues Growth Path
The fashion website Zalando continues in its growth path leaving the competition behind. German online retailer Zalando has announced that their firm would keep its focus in getting core markets to break a profit despite speculation that the fashion website would be listing itself by early 2014.
Noble Exceeds Its Target
Noble Investment Group exceeds investment funding target. The Noble Investment Group was very pleased to disclose the success of its latest investment fund round.
US$29 Million Raised for Vaportherm
Vaportherm receives US$29 million for its financial round. In a press release, it was disclosed that Vaportherm closed a US$29 million financial round last 12th of April 2013.
Citi Hires Former Deutsche Bank Heads
Citi hires Ben Story, former head of Deutsche Bank. Former Deutsche Bank head Ben Story has been appointed by Citigroup to become head of UK Investment Banking and Brokerage.