Halliburton Acquisition of Baker Hughes Faces a Legal Obstacle

United States Justice Department has prepared a lawsuit to block acquisition of Baker Hughes. Halliburton took over the company in November 2014.

Intel Acquires Yogitech to Strenghen Its Internet of Things Group

Intel announced the acquisition of Italian semiconductor company on April 5. Yogitech will enhance Intel's Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) technology.

A Singapore Startup is Preparing for The World’s First Fully Autonomous Taxis

The world’s first fully autonomous taxis might be hitting the streets of Singapore earlier than other cities. An MIT-supported startup is dedicated to develop a technology to achieve that, and is now seeking for approval for pilot program.

French Government Offers a Site for Tesla to Build Its European Factory

French government offered an old nuclear plant site for Tesla to build its electric car manufacturing facility. The plant site is shutting down and Tesla’s existence could help support local residents with jobs.

Latest News

Goldman Sachs-backed consumer finance startup CompareAsiaGroup got its new CEO Sam Allen. In 2015, CompareAsiaGroup closed a Series A round of funding led by Goldman Sachs and is planning to go for a Series B round funding soon.
Fever-Tree founders have reportedly sold their shares worth £18 million in total as a result of demands by investors. However, they claim to still be sticking with the business and still have the majority of their shares.
Fees in investment banking sector across the world declined 29% during the first three-month period of 2016 as uncertainty in the global market halted deal proposing activities and other investment events.
Nestlé India is again facing controversies with its all-time favorite Maggi noodles. Recent lab tests show that the lead content is within permissible limits unlike monosodium glutamate which exceeds the allowable level.
Although Elon Musk was the first one to mention Hyperloop, two other companies have brought the idea closer to reality. Both companies are now preparing a track test and will begin to build the system.
FMA of Austria will investigate Raiffeisen Bank International and Hypo Landesbank Vorarlberg. The Austrian banks were named in Panama Papers in helping money laundering scheme.
The Swiss bank which posted first full-year loss last year must take a drastic measure. It has to make another retreat in investment banking.
SunEdison is facing another lawsuit, this time from its subsidiary TerraForm. TerraForm accused its parent company for misallocating cash for its projects in India to SunEdison’s own balance sheet.
Starbucks is about to open its biggest coffee restaurant in 2018 and will be known as Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room which will be housed by the 170,000 square foot building developed by Aurora Capital Associates and Vornado Realty Trust. It would be the biggest Starbucks coffee shop in the world where customers also get educated about the process how coffees are roasted and brewed from all over the world.
Nielsen Holdings has entered into an agreement with DISH Network to enhance its business service to the global standard. Nielsen plans to license set-top box data from DISH.
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