Investors Still Support Pfizer CEO After Failed Merger With Allergan

The company called off the acquisition of Allergan after the U.S. Treasury issued the rule preventing the deal. Nevertheless, Chief Executive Officer Ian Read still has the investors support.

Gap's March sales fall hurt by high inventory levels

Gap Inc reported its sales results for the month of March. The retailer saw a decline in March sales, which pushed the shares down around 10%.

Google's Renewable Energy Seed Funding Starts In Taiwan

Google will provide seed funding in Asia's renewable energy that will start off in Taiwan. Through the Center for Resource Solutions, the funds will be used to set up renewable energy certification programs.

Pfizer and Allergan May Have to Call-Off Their $160 Billion Merger

Pfizer and Allergan will have to scrap the merger deal following the new regulation from Treasury Department to stop the U.S. company moving overseas.

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Apple Inc released an update for its OS X simultaneously. The iOS 9.3.2 for iPhone, iPad, and iPod was released for developers, along with watchOS, tvOS and Mac OS X 10.11.5.
Plunge of indexes brings the market to negative territory. Financial sectors led the plunge over fear of global financial slowdown.
The Korean electronic giant predicted a high increase of profit in its earning guidance. Successful sales of Galaxy 7 flagship product is the main contributor for the profit growth.
The German carmaker's venture capital arm announced Wednesday to make strategic investment in RideCell. BMW established i Ventures in 2011 to target mobility service startups.
Data furnished in the Google dashboard as of April 4 suggest that market share of Android Marshmallow has grown double to 4.6% within a period of a month. However, analysts observe the market stake as very meager compared to that recorded by Android Lollipop during the same period of the previous year. Lollipop holds the market leader position in terms of retained stake.
Turkmenistan-South Asia natural gas pipeline project has secured $200 million of investment from its shareholders. The project, developed by the Asian Development Bank, will now begin important studies to determine the projects detailed costs, routes, and other environmental as well as social factors.
Alipay is working on a plan to launch services in Europe this summer. The service will make it easier Chinese tourists to make transactions with European merchants using the app.
Fiat Chrysler is announcing a 1,300 job cuts as a result of the company’s decision to focus on producing light trucks and SUVs. American automakers are reportedly struggling to make money on other car models, such as sedan recently.
Tracking sell-off on Wall Street, Asian markets turned weaker. Renewed growth concerns and effectiveness of central bank policy have worsened the investor sentiment.
The second largest oil producer in Africa will start negotiate with IMF next week for a bailout program. Continuous drop of oil price hit Angola economy after years of prosperity from oil production.
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