3D VR Image Rendered By Google Cardboard Sets A Milestone In The History of Cardiac Surgery
Teegan, a baby girl has born in August with a half heart and single lung in a Minnesota hospital. The baby has showed strength of her life through remaining alive after 2 months diminishing doctors’ predictions which prompted her parents to contact Dr Remond Burke, chief of cardiovascular surgery at the Miami hospital. He and a team of 30 doctors and nurses have conducted a 7 hour long surgery through 3D image generated by Google Cardboard. The baby is safe after four weeks and now hopes to go home after next two weeks.
Major banks funding Bitcoin startup on recording blockchain deals
A bitcoin startup Digital Asset Holdings has received funding from major banks. It will work closely with investors on research and commercialization of bitcoin technology applications. Digital Asset said that it has raised over $50 million funding from 13 investors. The list of investors includes JPMorgan Chase & Com, Citigroup Inc, BNP Paribas SA, CME Group Inc and Accenture Plc.
Ebola Vaccine Will Now Be Available As Gavi Signed $5 Million Deal To Prevent Future Outbreaks, Commits Merck To Keep 300,000 Vaccines Ready
Gavi, a world vaccine alliance, has made a $5 million deal with Merck regarding vaccine supply for future outbreaks. Merck has to provide 300,000 vaccines as a preparation to protect people from the next Ebola crisis.
AmEx to slash cost by $1bn by 2017
Feeling the heat of competition in the global payments industry, American Express (AmEx) is in the process of reducing costs by $1billion by end of 2017. AmEx posted losses for the fourth quarter consecutively. The net income dropped from $1.44 billion to $873 million or 80 cents per share for the quarter. The forecast for this year disappointed investors and analysts.