UK unemployment rate at 10-year low; earnings slow down

The jobless rate in the UK was recorded at 5.1 percent for the quarter ending November 2015. This showed the lowest jobless rate since October 2005. However, wage growth is slowing down in the UK industry. The employment rate was at high of 74 percent since 1971, according to the latest data released by Office for National Statistics.

Boeing is Reporting $569 Million Loss and Scaling Down Its 747 Production

Boeing will report a $569 million after-tax accounting loss in its fourth quarter. The company will also reduce production of its 747 airplane starting September this year..

Uber Generated More Revenue But Still Suffered Loss in 2015

Uber generated more revenue in 2015 than in the previous year. However, the company experience more losses in order to pursue growth.

Ahead Snow Storm in the East Coast, Airlines Offer Refund and Flight Change

As winter storm is heading toward East Coast this Friday, flight disruption is expected. Airlines are offering refund and waiver to customers whose flight schedule is affected by the snow storm.

Latest News

Microsoft Corp. CEO Satya Nadella announced that the company launched an initiative that would help university and nonprofits researchers for the next three years, by donating $1 billion worth of Microsoft Cloud Services.
The multi-million dollar car collection owned by comedian Jerry Seinfeld will be up for auctions at the Amelia Island Auction in Florida on March 11.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, has continued his efforts to spread internet even in the poor countries through Free Basics or Even in paternity leave, he responds to the criticisms placing arguments. But now, he is facing criticism even from his own house. An unidentified Facebook employee has appeared to criticize his moves and Facebook spokesperson hasn’t commented on such in-house resistance.
Greatist has raised 4.5 million US dollar in Series A round. The company will utilize the funds to add more staffs, on the advertising department, to create additional custom programs like events and original content, according to Derek Flanzraich, CEO of Greatist.
Skype aims to help users be more productive with the two new features for Skype for Android. With these new features, users can easily schedule calls and open Office files. Microsoft has been improving their apps, including its popular Skype to perform better in various platforms.
Las Vegas city cabs have overcharged the customers by a whopping $47 million, the findings reveal. The root cause of this extortion lies in its ridiculously high $3 credit card processing fees along with a hike in fuel surcharge. Long-hauling is also an added factor in duping particularly the tourists. The auditors have slammed some pretty harsh recommendations on the Nevada Taxicab Authority which regulates all Clark County cabs.
The emoji features a koala wearing a pair of sunglasses, and will appear automatically when a user tweets using the hashtag #AustraliaDay. An event on Tuesday marks the opening of the digital celebration one week prior to the national holiday on January 26. Australian netizens are also encouraged to tweet their stories and views on the holiday.
The cutting down of the global crude oil in the world has not really influenced the Chinese consumers' retail fuel prices. The price remains the same as long as the price does not touch %40 per barrel.
Previously, an experiment team of a space gardening project called Veggie has also succeeded planting consumable lettuce. The flower bloom is a remarkable step forward to a more advanced technique and choice of plants to grow in space. The project was established because NASA seeks to learn how astronauts can grow their own food in space to sustain long-term space journey.
The initial study was conducted with rats, but it was confirmed that the researchers seek to extend the new findings to human. The biodegradable chip was expected to help doctors monitor their patients better while reducing risks of removal re-operation, such as infections.
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