Aussie friends can now locate their mates using Facebook's Nearby Friends
Good news to Aussie Facebook lovers. Nearby Friends, a feature from Facebook can now be used by our mates in Down Under to locate their friends along the neighborhood or vice versa.
Twitter plans to revamp its 140-character limit
Twitter is planning some improvements to grow its users and encourage posts. One of the plans includes taking off the 140-character restrictions. Twitter management wants to revamp the micro-blogging site. One feature they wanted to improve is the 140-character post limit. Though Twitter keeps mum about it, the news from Re / Code said it comes from a very reliable source.
Latest Mac OS, The El Capitan is here
Just a few weeks after releasing the latest iOS update the iOS 9, Apple released an upgrade to the latest Mac operating system, the OS X El Capitan. The latest upgrade contains many new feature that users have been waiting for including an important security update since cyber-attack is on the rise lately.
Rising China spoiling party between the US and Japan
Of late, Japan has been facing a different situation albeit rough weather in the international diplomacy. Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo didn't (couldn't) meet Barack Obama, the US President, this week at the 70th year founding celebrations of the United Nations (UN) held in New York. However, the list of dignitaries that Abe met included Vladimir Putin, Russian President, and Park Geun-hye, South Korea President. Abe participated in a number of meetings and met several important global leaders on the sidelines of the UN celebrations.