Google's Alphabet aims to disrupt health care industry; opens space for tech startups
What once was a vision of the future of health care in science fiction is now becoming a reality as Google's Alphabet sets its eyes on solving health care issues. Doctors' function in treating and maintaining peoples' health will be done efficiently and cheaply by machines run by technological algorithms in the near future. These advances require a disruption in the status quo, which will definitely not come from the government or other current healthcare providers, but from entrepreneurs, like Google's Alphabet.
Facebook to Make Money from Messenger
Facebook's new Messenger app has made it easier for businesses to have an organic connection with their customers, which could yet be another way for the giant social media platform to earn money.
Apple’s API for ad blockers is a threat to Google and web publishers
Since Apple made it easier for developers to create ad blockers, blocker apps gained revenue in the App Store. Reports said this is an absolute danger for Google and web publishers. In June, The Next Web reported Apple Inc. has provided tools for developers to create apps that block web ads. The tools are exclusively only for iOS9's default browser Safari.
5.6 Million U.S Federal Officers' Fingerprints were Stolen
The Office of Personnel Management today said that some 5.6 million fingerprints were stolen by the hacker and not 1.1 million like it was previously reported. The new data came after the agency had conducted further investigation together with the Department of Defense.