Venezuela's currency against US dollar tumbles 737%
The value of Venezuela's currency, the Bolivar, has nose-dived too fast and has now reached a point where it's worth less than a penny on the US dollar.
Sports Drinks in the US are on a tight race to the finish line
When it comes to working out, all we want to do is to enhance our performance. Many sports drinks promise immediate energy that will get you moving for the gym. What we don't know is, most of these energy drinks have a hidden dark side - sugar and fat.
Project Sunroof: Google uses maps and weather history to help owners calculate solar power consumption
Google launches Project Sunroof in San Francisco, Fresno and Massachusetts. The project uses high-resolution aerial mapping and local weather guide to identify the amount of sunlight that hits the roof and how much dollars homeowners will save for the whole year.
Feds give Shell go signal to drill for oil in Arctic Ocean off Alaska
The US government has finally given Royal Dutch Shell permission to pursue their oil exploration in the Arctic Ocean near Alaska. For more than 20 years, exploratory drilling allowed in the northwest coast of Alaska.