New drum technology Sensory Percussion aids in playing digital beats on analog skins
Adding electronic drums and drum machines can give a digital kick to your music track, but nothing can replace the old school skins. Now, crowdfunding Sensory Percussion offers the best of both worlds.
Google+ Photos shuts down this August, but Google Photos live on
Google's photo sharing solution Google+Photos is shutting down on August 1. It is often confused with Google Photos, which is a totally different app. Notice it lacks the "+." This app is Google's unlimited free photo host, which the giant tech company launched in May.
Out in August: Next Generation Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Launch Is Confirmed; New Design to Rival iPad Air
The Galaxy Tab S2 is finally unveiled on Monday, July 20. Touted to be the "essential tablet for experiencing digital content", it combines a modern visual with optimum mobility.
Unilever teamed up with Alibaba to penetrate e-commerce in China
Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd, the leading Chinese e-commerce corporation has declared a tie-up with Unilever NV, the well-known provider of personal care, home and food products, to grant Chinese consumers the majority of its quality products from around the world.