French app Flower Power by Parrot makes plant monitoring easier
Flower Power, a Bluetooth device made by Paris, France-based consumer product developer Parrot, is paired with a mobile app that helps users monitor plant growth to make the gardening chore easier.
Netflix-Fitbit hack auto-pauses movie when watcher falls asleep
Engineers of California, US-based on-demand Internet streaming service Netflix hacked a Fitbit activity tracking device and activated a feature that auto-pauses the video when the watcher falls asleep and allows him to resume watching when he wakes up.
500 Startups organizes meetup for LGBT tech community members
Mountain View, US-based investment firm 500 startups organized Rainbow Round, a monthly meeting where members of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community from the tech sector can talk about their interests and struggles.
Google gets mocked after launching anti-scraping tool Scraper Report
US-based search giant Google got mocked by several netizens yesterday after it launched the Scraper Report, a tool that fights content stealing, because according to them, the company itself is practicing web scraping.