French app Flower Power by Parrot makes plant monitoring easier

Flower Power, a Bluetooth device made by Paris, France-based consumer product developer Parrot, is paired with a mobile app that helps users monitor plant growth to make the gardening chore easier.

Netflix-Fitbit hack auto-pauses movie when watcher falls asleep

Engineers of California, US-based on-demand Internet streaming service Netflix hacked a Fitbit activity tracking device and activated a feature that auto-pauses the video when the watcher falls asleep and allows him to resume watching when he wakes up.

500 Startups organizes meetup for LGBT tech community members

Mountain View, US-based investment firm 500 startups organized Rainbow Round, a monthly meeting where members of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community from the tech sector can talk about their interests and struggles.

Google gets mocked after launching anti-scraping tool Scraper Report

US-based search giant Google got mocked by several netizens yesterday after it launched the Scraper Report, a tool that fights content stealing, because according to them, the company itself is practicing web scraping.

Latest News

California, US-based next generation fitness tracking device Moov attained its $40,000 target within just 90 minutes and will begin shipping the pre-ordered product by summer this year.
Redmond, US-based tech giant Microsoft is mulling over launching a free version of the Windows 8.1 OS (operating system) or selling it for a very low price, according to a report by The Verge.
From a website that sells used snowboards, software startup Shopify has become an IT company that powers 100,000 online stores in more than 122 countries, VentureBeat reported.
The shuttering of Mt. Gox did not only showcase the dangers of the crytocurrency, it also unnerved the more nascent Bitcoin derivatives market, Bloomberg reported.
San Francisco, US-based Internet radio startup 8tracks, a music service that is not yet widely known but already has 8 million active users, provides unique and awesome playlists and successfully maintains its profitability at the same time.
New York-based dining payments startup Dash received $1.2 million in its seed funding round from existing backers and a new investor, bringing to $1.9 the funds raised so far, VentureBeat reported.
Donna, the personal assistant app made by San Francisco, US-based mobile app creator Incredible Labs, is retiring starting February 28, just a month after search giant Yahoo acqui-hired the company.
Hulu, a platform that provides video streaming services, will be divesting its Japanese unit to Nippon Television Network Corporation after three years of operations, TechCrunch reported.
Russia fund United Capital Partners said it will be suing two shareholders of the social network Vkontakte, Group and Ivan Tavrin, East-West Digital News reported.
US-based e-commerce giant Amazon is reportedly in talks with big music companies about plans to offer its own music streaming service under it Prime membership, according to a report by Re/code citing anonymous industry sources familiar with the discussions.
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