Tags: Bid

Dish Ups the Ante for Clearwire

Dish Network increases its bid for Clearwire to US$4.40 per share. Dish Network increased its offer to purchase Clearwire Corp to US$4. 40 per share. At this price, the enterprise value of the wireless service provider is estimated at US$6.

Google's Quandary on its Waze Bid

Google may find itself in antiregulatory waters should it push its bid for Waze. (Photo : REUTERS)U. S. regulators closed a long-running investigation into allegations that Google tweaks search results to hurt rival companies without finding any wrongdoing, a decision that disappointed rivals and critics of the Web search giant.

Softbank to Issue Bonds to Pay for Sprint Bid

Softbank to issue second batch of bonds to fund Sprint bid. Softbank Corp, in its bid to takeover Sprint Nextel Corp, is now planning to sell off 400 billion yen or US$3.

Softbank Issues Waiver for Sprint

Softbank issues a waiver of some of the provisions of the merger agreement to allow Sprint to discuss and negotiate with Dish despite their standing agreement.

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The latest Actavis bid for Mylan has been rejected. In its latest move, Actavis had rejected the takover bid from Mylan last week. The bid was priced at US$15 billion, according to Reuters quoting an anonymous source familiar with the decision.
Straits Trading accepts bid from United Engineer's Ltd. The Straits Trading Co. , the single largest shareholder in WBL Corp has set a new bar for its share prices after it accepted the United Engineer's Ltd's bid for the dealer of the renowned Bugatti cars.
Icahn, seeking to fight off the Dell-Silver Lake bid, is asking investors to dig deep and put their money on the computer maker.
Masayoshi Son, Softbank's founder and president is set to travel to the US to meet with major Sprint-Nextel shareholders.
Clearwire issues a statement recommending the acceptance as the best option for minority shareholders.
Emma Delta, as required by the Athens government, increases its bid for OPAP, the Greek gambling monopoly.
Yahoo, because of objections from the French government, has withdrawn its bid to acquire DailyMotion.
Intel CEO sends letter to FCC Chairman throwing support to the Softbank bid. Paul Otellini, the CEO of Intel Corp has sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission vouching for his support for SoftBank's bid for Sprint Nextel instead of the Dish Network's unsolicited bid.
Vodafone shareholders, should the US$100 million bid be offered, wants to either merge with Verizon Communications.
At the opening of market trading, Vodafone shares increased in light of rumored buyout offer from Verizon.
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