Tags: Bid

Elliot Management seeks higher valuation for its shares in Kabel Deutschland

Elliot Management is holding out for a higher valuation of its shareholdings in Kabel Deutschland in the takeover bid by Vodafone Group Plc.

Westpac Banking Corp frontrunner for Lloyds Banking Group assets in Australia

In a bid worth AUD1.5 billion, Westpac stands to acquire the asset finance and commercial lending units of Lloyds Banking Group in Australia.

McKesson interest in Celesio causes drug wholesaler's shares to rise

As reported by Dow Jones, Celesio shares increase after McKesson interest in buyout becomes public. After a report that the McKesson Corp was in discussions with Celesio AG majority shareholder Franz Haniel & Cie GmbH as to a possible buyout, share values of the German drug wholesaler rose to their highest in seventeen years.

Fairfax CEO confident of success of bid for BlackBerry

Prem Watsa, the Canadian Warren Buffett, expressed confidence as to his consortium's bid for the floundering Canadian smartphone maker.

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KPN shareholders would meet to study American Movil's bid. Dutch phone company Royal KPN NV had been awaiting a bid from America Movil SA with a planned sale of its German wireless business in order to avoid paying taxes on its future earnings.
Kudu, the Saudi Arabian fast food chain, had opened bidding for 60% of its shares with KKR and Abraaj as the firms front running for the bids.
TDF set its floor price for its sale at EUR4 billion but offers made were below the said price. Telediffusion de France, the broadcast tower operator, had received from Dering Capital a non-binding offer worth EUR3.
The leading firms in the bidding consortiums for EVO Banco have been reported by the Financial Times.
Simcere founder with the firm's CEO formed a consortium to bid for the purchase of Simcere Pharmaceutical Group.
Leonard Riggio suspended his planned bid for Barnes & Noble Inc.'s retail businesses amid the firm's accelerating losses.
Permira placed a bid for Cermaq. Permira, a private equity firm, placed a bid for Cermaq's fish feed arm, EWOS, according to two anonymous sources familiar with the matter.
Hellenic Postbank, Greece's largest lender, is slated to receive separate bids fro the country's largest banks.
Brazil increased bid price for Libra, the world's largest oil find from US$4.6 billion to US$7 billion.
After its rejection of the Amgen bid, Onyx is now fielding bids from Bayer and other pharmaceutical firms.
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