Tags: Game of thrones season 5 news

HBO releases the ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5 teaser trailer for mobile viewing only; Fan leaks copy online on Reddit

A new “Game of Thrones” Season 5 teaser was released by HBO for mobile viewing only. However a Redditor fan was able to leak the teaser trailer online for a closer inspection.

"Game of Thrones" reveals new website for season 5 news; TellTale promises trailer for game on December 1 before game becomes available day after

"Game of Thrones" has revealed a new website for season 5 news called ThreeEyedRaven.com and a 10-second teaser featuring Arya Stark. Meanwhile, TellTale promises trailer for game on December 1. The first episode of the game is set to be released on December 2.

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