Tags: Indian Ocean

Server General Launches Data-Encrypted Cloud Migration Service

Google Launches Umoja Fiber Optic Cable Connecting Australia with Africa

Google has unveiled Umoja, its fiber optic cable directly connecting Australia with Africa, with the terrestrial portion of the route from Kenya to South Africa already complete.

Aviation experts say MH370 crash may never be solved

Aviation experts believed that although MH370's black box contain valuable information, miraculously finding it won't solve the greatest mystery in aviation history, reported TheStar.

Relatives of those on board MH370 burst in different emotions after Malaysia's PM announcement

The relatives of those on board missing flight MH370 burst in different emotions following Prime Minister Najib Razak's announcement, the race is on for the jetliner's black box, reported CBC.

Australian and Chinese authorities reported spotting possible flight MH370 debris

Australian and Chinese authorities said that their planes have spotted possible debris from the missing flight MH370, reported The Guardian.

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The second day of the search for the missing flight MH370 in the new area in the Indian Ocean resulted to zero following reports from Australian authorities that debris were caught on satellite that could be from the missing jetliner.
A development on the case of the missing flight MH370 has been reported today saying debris was found floating near a remote area in the southern Indian Ocean.
An ex-pilot wrote the most plausible factual theory of what happened to missing flight MH370, reported the Business Insider.
A new story came out after unidentified sources told Reuters that the plane could have been hijacked and taken to the remote chain of Andaman Islands.
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