Tags: Pokemon go

Pokémon Go News And Update: Finally Added Ditto To The Line Up

There is an addition to the creatures players may catch on Pokémon Go as Ditto makes its debut on the game. Disguised as another Pokémon, Ditto is usually hiding in plain sight.

Latest Update on 'Pokemon Go': Of New Regions & Nest Migrations

Pokemon Go has many changes brough by its maker Niantic. However, are these changes will make the players happy or on a frown?

Pokemon Go Release Date in Feb. 2016; Pokemon Z Big Announcement Coming from Nintendo Mid-December [Report]

Pokemon Go and the persistenly rumored Pokemon Z are among Nintendo's highly anticipated titles coming out next year. Fans might receive some big announcement from the well-known publisher sooner than expected as suggested in the recent issue of popular Japanese magazine, CoroCoro.

‘Pokemon GO’ Developer’s Huge Investment in Introducing Augmented Reality into Mobiles

Game developer Niantic invested huge on Nintendo’s first mobile-based augmented reality game, Pokemon GO.

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Pokemon GO iss the first Pokemon title ever to be launched outside of Wii U and 3DS consoles. Nintendo has confirmed the game as a free app available for iOS and Android devices by early 2016. A closed beta is also announced to be held before the end of the year.
Niantic and The Pokemon Comany are sure to put their best foot forward in the creation of the Pokemon Go. With only months away before the officially declared release of the game, fans are going crazy over the idea that Pokemon will actually be visible in the real world.
Nintendo's first announced free mobile game, Pokemon Go, is set to hit android and iOS devices by early 2016 but fans can get to experience the game on its closed beta test this winter 2015. The new title will be released in conjuction with a GPS and a wearable device, the Pokemon Go Plus.
Finally, after 20 years, a new Pokémon mobile game will be released! In 2016, Pokémon Go will be available for free in both Android and iOS platforms.
The Pokemon Company has outdone theirselves this time--making great games is one thing, but fulfilling the dreams of gamers is another. Pokemon Go looks to make the fans accomplish real life Pokemon searching, and there's only very little wait before it happens.
Nintendo, the largest Japanese video game company, had teamed up with Niantic Inc. to develop Pokémon Go, a mobile game based on the popular monsters from the Japanese cartoon series.
Nintendo, Niantics, and The Pokemon Company bring Android and iOS users a new virtual reality mobile game known as Pokemon Go in 2016. Players can operate the game with a smartwatch to catch Pokemon in the real world.