Tags: President Barack Obama
Tech execs meet with President Obama to discuss intelligence, technology and privacy concerns
Heads of the six biggest Internet companies in the US met with President Barack Obama and senior White House aides to talk about the government's data collection practices, Reuters reported.
Vladmir Putin, Russian President, signs treaty with Crimea leaders
A treaty was signed by Russian President Vladmir Putin and Crimea leaders Tuesday for their annexation with 95% support from the people.
Egyptian woman cursing President Obama goes viral
President Barack Obama goes viral in Middle East after Egyptian woman lets her tongue loose to the point of calling the president a donkey. Following in its wake, were photoshopped images and even t-shirts with the slogan quoting the woman "Shut up your mouth, Obama."
Presidential Innovation Fellows now open for applications
Applications are now being accepted for the third round of the Presidential Innovation Fellows program, the initiative that seeks to leverage on the expertise of the technology industry to improve the lives of Americans and government operations, VentureBeat reported.