Tags: Twitter

Twitter Removed More Than 125,000 Accounts In Fight Against Radical Islamic Millitants

The social media site, Twitter has disclosed for the first time removal of more than 125,000 accounts on allegation of aiding terrorism. ISIS has been using Twitter and other social media sites as platforms for spreading their ideologies and recruiting new members. Facebook is also adopting special measures in this regard due to growing concerns over poor policing by the sites against terrorism.

TotalBiscuit leaves social media: Bids an emotional goodbye

When we say TotalBiscuit, it’s the video game YouTuber John Bain. He bids an emotional goodbye to social media citing that he is not able to accept criticisms among other reasons.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is new product head

Jack Dorsey will be the next product boss. Jack Dorsey, the creator of Square and Twitter, will be able to infuse bold product modification which has been lacking at the company.

Company Restructuring: Four Executives Are Leaving Twitter as The Company Plan Big Leadership Changes

Four executives are reported to take a departure from the social media company as part of a major restructuring plan by the new CEO Jack Dorsey. In addition to those asked to leave, some other executives have already stepped down out of pressure.

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Facebook has come out with yet another special feature, this time, exclusively for the sports fans. Its Sports Stadium will be a virtual hub for millions of sports fanatics to get together and post photos/videos, like them, look at a dashboard full of stats and, most importantly, chat about the games, all the while getting access to expert commentary by celebrities and their teams. Currently, this space has only been rolled out for iOS in the US.
Greatist has raised 4.5 million US dollar in Series A round. The company will utilize the funds to add more staffs, on the advertising department, to create additional custom programs like events and original content, according to Derek Flanzraich, CEO of Greatist.
The emoji features a koala wearing a pair of sunglasses, and will appear automatically when a user tweets using the hashtag #AustraliaDay. An event on Tuesday marks the opening of the digital celebration one week prior to the national holiday on January 26. Australian netizens are also encouraged to tweet their stories and views on the holiday.
Previously, an experiment team of a space gardening project called Veggie has also succeeded planting consumable lettuce. The flower bloom is a remarkable step forward to a more advanced technique and choice of plants to grow in space. The project was established because NASA seeks to learn how astronauts can grow their own food in space to sustain long-term space journey.
Periscope's broadcast videos can now be played directly in Twitter's app. But the change is yet to be made in Twitter's Moments.
John Legere has been witnessing a social media riot centering his F bomb blasting during a question- answer session in Twitter on Monday. One of T Mobile’s ‘Binge On’ has reportedly withdrawn itself from the platform. The embattled CEO has been compelled to seek apology but tries to make it conditional. T Mobile is accused of violating net neutrality through throttling by EFF and net neutrality advocates.
Today, Prismatic declared that it will no longer be available and accessible for iOS, Android, and web news reader products and Interest Graph APIs for third-party developers.
Twitter, a kind of real time pulse tracking the events as they happen where people from around the gather in moments of triumph, activism, support and fascination to express their views, have revealed the most popular tweets of 2015. The hashtag # JeSuisParis, used to show solidarity with the French capital in the wake of its second terrorist attack, marked the most talked-about moment of the year.
Gigi Hadid's breakup last month with Joe Jonas did not seem to affect her from moving on quickly as she is rumored to be dating Zayn Malik. Hadid's friends are not quite happy with this though, and Jonas is also quite bitter on how fast he has been replaced by his ex-lover.
Calum Hood, the 5 Seconds of Summer bassist, tweeted what seemed to be a hint of him leaving the band, to which the fans reacted with panic. However, Calum was quick to reassure fans that he is happy at the moment and there is nothing to worry about.
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