Tags: Twitter

Twitter plans to revamp its 140-character limit

Twitter is planning some improvements to grow its users and encourage posts. One of the plans includes taking off the 140-character restrictions. Twitter management wants to revamp the micro-blogging site. One feature they wanted to improve is the 140-character post limit. Though Twitter keeps mum about it, the news from Re / Code said it comes from a very reliable source.

Bug delays Apple watchOS 2 software update

Gone is the excitement among Apple Watch users as they cannot install the watchOS 2 on their devices this coming Wednesday. Apple announced that there will be a delay in the release of the much-awaited software because of the bug forcing them to pull out the software update, as reported by Tech Times.

Lindsey Pelas offers J.J. Watt of Houston Texans to slide in her DMs; Model thinks football player is ‘goofy in a cute way’

Lindsey Pelas is flirting with J.J. Watt of Houston Texans by offering the athlete to slide in her DMs. The Playboy model thinks the football player is 'goofy in a cute way'.

Pinterest reached 100 million users, will add 'Buyable Pins'

Pinterest announced it had reached 100 million monthly users this week. The company will include 'Buyable Pins' on the site soon. Tim Kendall, Pinterest Monetization GM, told Fortune that the startup had crossed 100 million monthly users. Kendall said the number of shared links and images have doubled over 18 months as well. Added to that, searches to Pinterest had risen to 81% over the previous year.

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Teenager Ahmed Mohamed was arrested when his home made digital clock was suspected to be a bomb. The 14-year-old was falsely accused of bringing a bomb to school after a teacher heard the alarm clock go off. After the story of the young teen going viral, many famous personnel's reached out to the scared and confused young inventor. President Barack Obama personally reached out to Ahmed inviting him to visit the White House.
Director Michael Dougherty’s horror comedy film has gained a lot of heat in Twitter in particular. If horror fans would like to know more about any “Krampus” update, they just have to log on to their social media accounts and tweet along. Universal Studios and Legendary Pictures have set to horrify the joy out of the Christmas spirit for those that will walk in theaters on December 4, 2015.
Google is reportedly teaming up with Twitter to provide users with instant access to articles, reviving speculations the search giant may be acquiring the micro-blogging site. Re/Code reports the two tech giants are now working on a publishing tool that will enable users to view articles instantly on their mobile phones. That's a departure from the current set-up where users have to wait several seconds for a story to load.
Lane Bryant's #PlusIsEqual Campaign debuts on Sept. 14 giving plus size women a chance to be seen equally like normal size women.
Twitter announced Monday that it entered a partnership with giant Indonesian carrier Indosat, allowing its 68 million users to use its direct messaging (DM) feature.
In its effort to increase advertisement revenue, Twitter announces a global expansion for their self-service ads platform. According to Twitter, the service will now cover more than 200 countries from the previous only 33 countries.
Russia has come up with a new law that empowers the government to not only block websites but also orders them to share data of Russian citizens.
In just 135 characters, Minecraft creator Markuss Persson has expressed his feelings of existential meltdown on Twitter Saturday:
Twitter disclosed its most recent staff diversity statistics along with its goal to have more colored people and more women employees in 2016.
Twitter announced Thursday Music on Vine designed for iOS and Android that would make it easier for users to discover and create their own music through the short-form video sharing app.
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