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Rihanna 'R8' Album Update: ‘Diamonds’ singer to perform huge concerts in UK; Rumors about the latest album continue
Rihanna is set to announce a series of grand gigs in Wembley Stadium in UK as part of her European tour. Rumors pertaining to the release of her latest album allegedly entitled 'R8' with pre-order in continue to pile up.
Chris Brown apologizes on Instagram for being "young and dumb" and accusing Karrueche Tran of cheating with Drake; Will Tran forgive after Brown revealed her participating in threesomes?
Chris Brown apologizes to Karrueche Tran on Instagram for being "young and dumb." This comes after Brown publicly said Tran was visiting Drake instead of visiting him in prison. Tran's response is yet to be seen.
'Love & Hip Hop Hollywood' Cast: Yung Berg caught with another man; Ray J’s Manager says he is gay
Words are out, Ray J’s Manager revealed that the Yung Berg is gay. He even caught him with another man in the studio.
Early access for H1Z1 revealed; Producer confirms Steam release on January 15, 2015
Fans of survival horror genre are in for a treat early next year since H1Z1 will be officially released on Steam as confirmed by its Producer.