United States
Biden Admin Proposes Easing Emissions Restrictions for Cars; Will This Hurt the EV Market?
The Biden administration may stall crucial pollution restrictions on cars, hurting EV development. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States may consider easing a major climate change regulation that limits emissions from vehicles' tailpipes.
FedEx Founder Fred Smith Joins Other Business Leaders Sounding the Alarm Over Worsening US National Debt
FedEx founder Fred Smith warned that the U.S. national debt is no longer sustainable. FedEx founder Fred Smith (Frederick W. Smith) joined other business leaders in the U.
Alphabet Seeks Investor Financing for GFiber Internet Service to Expand Beyond Current Sites
Alphabet wants to seek external funding for its GFiber internet connection company to expand to other locations.
US Prisoners Engaged in Labor Duties Tied to Well-Known Food Companies; Are They Forced to Work?
Inmates are part of a covert workforce in the US that is associated with several famous food firms. A secret workforce in the United States is connected to hundreds of well-known food companies, and it involves prisoners.