Info-Tech Sectors Jobs See No Good Future Ahead
The job placements and vacancies for Info-Tech sectors are now unclear to the economy's eye. The sectors for Information and Technology (IT), as country's largest private sector employer with a total headcount of 3.
San Francisco's Light-Rail System Being Hacked For Ransom, Updates Here!
San Francisco's Light-Rail System was hacked Friday afternoon. Unfortunately, the San Francisco Municipal Railway (SFMR) riders got an unexpected surprise over this weekend after the system's computerized fare systems were apparently hacked.
R&D Programme Awarded With 7 Marine Research Projects
Seven marine research projects awarded under R&D programme. The laboratory will undertake outreach and education initiatives to share research outcomes with the public.
Donald Trump Answers Out To News That Clinton Will Participate in Wisconsin Vote Recount
The Clinton campaign has met with lawyers, data scientists and analysts to assess anomalies in the results that would suggest a hacked result. Private meetings with outside experts involved sharing both groups concerns about the data and findings.