Disney's Internal Messages Hacked by Artist Rights Group to Protest AI Use
Hacktivist group Nullbulge claimed responsibility for Disney's data breach, which involved leaked internal messages advocating artists' rights amid criticism of Disney's AI use and artist contracts.
Landlords No Longer Allowed to Increase Rents by More Than 5% Under Biden's New Policy
President Biden proposes a 5% cap on annual rent increases for large landlords to address housing costs and stabilize rents amid inflation concerns.
Business Executives Divided Over Trump Picking JD Vance as VP Running Mate
Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump announced on the first day of the Republican National Convention Monday (July 15) that he has chosen first-term Ohio senator JD Vance as his vice-presidential running mate, triggering reactions from business executives across multiple sectors.
Bolivia Discovers 1.7 Trillion Cubic Meter Natural Gas Reserve, Promising $6.8 Billion to Its Economy
Bolivia's President, Luis Arce, announced the discovery of a massive natural gas field, Mayaya X-1, estimated to hold 1.7 trillion cubic meters of gas, offering a potential $6.8 billion market value to boost the nation's struggling economy.