Doctor Strange Cast, Plot: Benedict Cumberbatch's co-star Rachel McAdams to play as Night Nurse? Sorcerer Supreme's origin story confirmed by Kevin Feige


Marvel is set to open the mystical side of the MCU with Doctor Strange. Kevin Feige recently revealed new details on the film, while new speculations have also surfaced suggesting that Rachel McAdams' lead character could be Night Nurse.

As reported by IGN, Feige confirmed that the film will be an origin story of the sorcerer hero, and justified why the decision against talks that the audience are growing bored of origins stories. "Doctor Strange has one of the best, most classic, most unique origin stories of any hero we have, so why wouldn't we do that?", Feige said.

"That was sort of always the plan. How you tell that origin, perhaps there are ways to twist it or play with that, but for the most part, it's a gift when the comics have something with such clarity of story and of character. That doesn't always happen in the comics, and when it does, you use it", he added.

Moreover, according to Cinemablend, new rumors about the film suggest that Rachel McAdams could be playing Night Nurse. However, instead of portraying the more notable Linda Carter version of the character, McAdams is rumored to play the Christine Palmer version who was originally a surgical assistant in the comics.

According to /Film, it is also worth noting that Daredevil's Stephen DeKnight previously revealed that they intended to use the character of Night Nurse on the show, however, it was later found out that Marvel is planning to use the character for one of their upcoming features. Also, while these rumor has not been confirmed yet, McAdam's portrayal of Night Nurse would explain DeKnight's revelation on Marvel's plan for the character. However, until a confirmation is released, these rumors must be treated with a grain of salt.

Filming for Doctor Strange is expected to begin this fall and will star Benedict Cumberbatch for the lead role. Joining Cumberbatch and McAdams in the film will be Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One, and Chiwetel Ejiofor as Baron Mordo. It is set to hit theaters on November 4, 2016.

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