Final Fantasy XV Pre-Beta Version Completes, Announces Square Enix's Hajime Tabata; Moogles Confirmed


Final Fantasy XV is another title that Square Enix has put forward for the world to see. Apart from the Final Fantasy VII remake that has been awaited on for so long, a new title is set to surface strongly, and the development team themselves have stated where the title currently stands.

According to PlayStation Lifestyle, the denial of the moogles being part of Final Fantasy XV was already withheld firmly, until Hajime Tabata said otherwise. Now that the moogles' existence is confirmed to participate in the installment, the focus now lies on where the Final Fantasy XV title stands for the fans to put a marker on.

It was recently delivered by Siliconera that Final Fantasy XV is no longer a myth, it is a reality that fans are bound to receive, one way or another. As Tabata took the initiative in stating where the title stands as of the moment, he announced through social media what fans are eager to know.

He was quoted saying, "Development update! The pre-beta version of #FFXV is complete. For the past 6 months we have focused on crossing this line. At my request PR and publicity has been relatively quiet recently to allow us to focus on finishing this stage of #FFXV development. We're making great progress towards #FFXV and our big event next March will reveal lots more. Hope you're looking forward to it. TBT"

Reported by Attack of the Fan Boy, at the rate that the title is going on, it can be speculated that Square Enix will meet its deadline of a release within 2016. One worry that fans may have brought up in the past would be the delay of one of the two Final Fantasy titles, but as of the moment, no trouble has been known to be getting in the way of Square Enix.

Final Fantasy XV is scheduled for release sometime within 2016 whereas the Final Fantasy VII Remake is scheduled to be launched by 2017 at the earliest.

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