‘Halo 5’ Latest DLC ‘Battle of Shadow and Light’ Updates Teased From Livestream


After 343 Industries announcement on its first person shooter, Halo 5's first DLC, Battle of Shadow and Light, the developers has recently released a trailer which provided sneak peeks for the game's updates. Reportedly the first of the many DLCs planned for the title, Battle of Shadow and Light was teased in a part of the Halo 5 livestream video.

The inclusion of the Forge mode, exciting weapons and interesting skins were first noticed by Design & Trend from the Halo 5 Livestream video. The 2 hour mark of the video provided a sneak peek of the new content in action. Accordingly, the classic additions which are to be released this December are far from the first time that 343 Industries featured retro style of Halo fun. Furthermore, the developers also dropped an update that its Big Team Battle Mode shall be back in the online mode.

According to IGN, developer 343 Industries had also confirmed that the expansion shall include more than just Forge tools. Aside from the exciting new weapons and armory included in the 48 REQs, a Mark IV helmet, black and gold weapon skins, and a space-themed settings shall come in addition to the iconic M41 SSR Rocket Launcher.

Furthermore, the developers included a chart which details the common, uncommon, rare, ultra rare, and legendary items in the game so as to be familiarized with the game's weaponry and armory. Yibada reports that 48 REQs shall be available which basically include weapon skins, armors, helmets, and vehicle skins. A Motion Tracker shall be included in the Big Team Battle which is similar to that in Warzone, with a match length of 16 minutes.

The release date of Halo 5 Battle of Shadow and Light DLC by 343 Industries shall release on December. Halo 5 is now available exclusively for Xbox One. Stay tuned for more updates.


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