True Blood Season 7 Episode 8 Recap: How 'Almost Home' faired with audiences


Episode 8 of the HBO vampire series "True Blood" did a little less than what was expected as some of the fans have expected with "Almost Home" season episode. Yet, despite the peculiar vibes the episode showed, the episode still managed to be a much-anticipated True Blood event, at least to its fans. appears to be disillusioned their view was on how Eric (Alexander Skaarsgard) was immediately cured of Hep-V despite the fact that Eric's potential demise have been hyped persistent all throughout the season. But alas, instead of expecting Eric to be killed off by the purportedly deadly disease, his future had been determined somewhat by the end of the episode when he cornered Sarah Newlin (Anna Camp) and get what he needs to get rid of Hep-V.

Meanwhile, Den of Geek postulates that Bill's (Stephen Moyer) decision not to drink from Sarah to be finally cured of Hep-V has become an entirely wrongful scenario for Bill-Sookie fans, considering that his actions will gravely affect Sookie's (Anna Paquin) future. Whether it was his morality speaking through his Hep-V veins or a blurred out vision of him and Sookie's future, fans have become very bewildered as to how things turned ended this way, especially the fact that the show would be coming to a close in a few more episodes.

On the other hand, a little consolation that "Almost Home" has provided is the resolution that was achieved between between Tara (Rutina Wesley) and Lettie Mae (Adina Porter). The mother and daughter had somewhat made peace, which was a good thing in an otherwise bleak show. Entertainment Weekly said that the two, who had since been having issues since being featured in the show, gives fans a bright promise that no matter how bad things get between people, everything would still end up alright, which was surely what fans wished for Eric and Bill too.

True Blood

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