Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards flirt on Twitter, to reunite soon; "One Direction" tour draws to a close


Engaged couple Perrie Edwards of Little Mix and Zayn Malik will be reunited soon, as One Direction's massive "Where We Are" tour draws to a close.

According to Unreality TV, the band only has two more shows to complete in North America before receiving a ten-day break. Malik is expected to fly to London to be with Edwards. The article said Edwards, meanwhile, made a quick fly to Japan recently and is still busy with the third album for her girl group before her fiance takes a break.

The couple reportedly has not seen each other for almost a month, but the two had not been ignoring each other. While conceptualizing the album, the female singer was apparently snapped wearing one of Malik's clothes, while Malik, who is known as his group's bad boy, was noted to have changed his Twitter avatar to one where he is "wearing a black leather biker jacket, sporting large black sunglasses and he's smoking on a dreaded cancer stick," the gossip rag described in a separate report. Zayn's fiancee is allegedly a fan of the "bad boy image."

However, magician Dynamo doesn't think that Malik is actually a bad boy in real life, Sugarscape said. The performer shared that Malik helped him get out of a snow rut by giving his car a little push. He claimed that Zayn thought it was no problem, and was just helping a brother from his hometown out.

"Zayn and all his mates saw me struggling and ran over. I was persisting because I was like, 'I'm Dynamo, I'm going to get out of this.' But they came over," the magician recalled.

Regardless of image, Malik still seems surprised at the success of the band. One Direction's success has been growing and growing, but Fans Share said Malik and the rest of the guys remained more humble as their stars grow.

He said, "We didn't really expect any of it and it's just crazy to see how it's happened."

Zayn Malik, Perrie Edwards, Zayn Malik Perrie Edwards wedding, One Direction, Little Mix

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