Amanda Knox Untold Story in feature film? American student, Raffaele Sollecito, Rudy Guede remains publicly guilty in Meredith Kercher murder mystery [Video]


Amanda Knox's murder trial has yet to be resolved, at least to the family victim Meredith Kercher. Speculation about whether Knox, along with boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, are guilty or not, have been swirling around social media and online. But to the many who were unable to follow the story behind the killing of a student in the sleepy Italian town of Perugia, the people involved in Kercher's murder remains a mystery. What is the truth behind all the evidence uncovered and presented in Knox's trial in Italy?

As Knox is currently trying to fight for her innocence in Kercher's murder, it has been made known that a movie loosely based about her untold story would be developed into a film. The Standard UK said that the film would be directed by Michael Winterbottom, and will star supermodel Cara Delevingne and lookalike newcomer Genevieve Gaunt. Gaunt is also known to the Harry Potter cinematic universe as Draco Malfoy's girlfriend Pansy Parkinson.

It has been more than five years since Kercher was found on her room where she then had shared with the former student. The British honorable student was found with 16 wounds, including cuts on her palm and seven on her body. As previously reported on Express UK, the window of Kercher's room was also left shattered, pointing to a suspicious break-in. However, the possibility of burglary was made irrelevant as examination on her body revealed that she was raped and sexually assaulted.

Knox's then-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, was said to have played a part on the murder. Sollecito had been Knox's alibi to absolve her from the murder charge. Knox had claimed then that she came home alone from a date with Sollecito when saw Kercher's dead body. She later changed her statement and said that both she and Sollecito went came back to the apartment. Kercher allegedly attacked them, she explained, that left Sollecito with no choice but defend themselves, which was followed by unconsciously slashing Kercher's throat by the use of a knife.

Meanwhile, Knox had claimed that police officers who have handled the case had abused her, causing her to feel tired, exhausted, and was threatened into bungling her statements.

Rudy Guede, an Ivory Coast native, was then pointed to be an additional main suspect in Kercher's murder, as DNA evidence on the scene and on Kercher was found.

Knox and Sollecito was initially sentenced to 26 and 25 years in prison respectively in 2009, but had appealed. Guede was first sentenced to 30 years in 2008, and got a reduction of his sentence, to which he filed for appeal also. When Knox and Sollecito's first trial verdict was junked due to insufficient evidence, she flew home and had not returned to Italy since. Both Sollecito and Knox are appealing for the Jan 30 ruling this year by the Italian court who have upheld the first trial verdict ruling.

Meanwhile, the revelation about Knox's connection to drug dealer and a drug ring are being called out by Knox's camp as an attempt to draw their client back to Italy, The Inquisitr said.

"During the course of the investigation into the Meredith Kercher murder, we have confirmed that a person whose initial is 'F' would occasionally supply drugs to Amanda Knox, as well as having a relationship with her supposedly of a sexual nature," sources told Italian newspaper Giallo as cited by Christian Post.

You can watch a review about the Meredith Kercher murder mystery on YouTube here.

Amanda Knox, Amanda Knox Murder Update, Meredith Kercher

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