Tags: Amanda Knox Murder Update

Amanda Knox studies Krav Maga after receiving death threats? Postpones wedding due to financial constraints

Amanda Knox is studying Krav Maga for self-defense. How is she doing after the acquittal? Amanda Knox may have been freed from murder charges but everyone knows that it's going to be hard for her to live a normal life.

Amanda Knox Acquittal Suggests Poor Italian Judicial System

Amanda Knox is officially free from murder charges. Questions on Italian judicial system arise. More than seven years ago, Amanda Knox, an American exchange student in Italy, became a media favorite.

Amanda Knox Murder Trial: Conviction Tossed, Kerchers Reeling; Who Killed Meredith Kercher?

Explores the latest developments of Amanda Knox trial. It came like a thief in the night as most everybody never saw it coming - both on the prosecution and the defense side - but it's official, on the 27th of March 2015 Amanda Knox is a free woman.

Amanda Knox to face Italian Highest Court, Cassation Wednesday

Amanda Knox faces a new trial. The 27-year old might face a 28 1/2 year sentence should the courts make their decision.

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The Amanda Knox murder trial will continue despite the former US student's recent engagement to boyfriend Colin Sutherland. Knox still maintains her innocence.
A year after the Florence Court re-convicted Amanda Knox and her boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito of murder, a small weekly newspaper in Seattle offered Knox a writing stint for her to live a normal life and do what she's good at while her appeal takes place.
Amanda Knox and former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito are waiting for another verdict for the trial of the murder case of Meredith Kercher in 2007. They were convicted but was freed after and appeal. But the victim's family filed another appeal to convict the suspects again. Verdict is said to be given this March.
Amanda Knox wrote her experiences in her book. What are the revelations to be found? What is next for Knox and Kercher's family?
Raffaele Sollecito, the alleged murder of Meredith Kercher, will face retrial. What happened after his life from jail especially on Amanda Knox's side?
Amanda Knox made headlines 7 years ago with regard to the murder of Meredith Kercher. Many are asking where is she now and what is she doing while waiting for the next decision on March 2015.
On the contrary, Rudy Guede had already admitted sexual assaults and he was already convicted with the murder that led him to serve behind bars on his life sentencing. On the side of the former couple, why is this case undone?
Amanda Knox, Raffaele Sollecito and Rudy Guede had been on the primary lists of the people who murdered Meredith Kercher on the apartment in Italy. Are they framed by Italy's unjustifiable proceedings?
Amanda Knox has not stayed quiet for several months even after the second guilty verdict was justified on January. Now, she faces bunch of news concerning her new boyfriend. What is the latest news about the controversial people namely, her and Raffaele Sollecito?
It has been made known that a movie loosely based about her untold story would be developed into a film. The Standard UK said that the film would be directed by Michael Winterbottom, and will star supermodel Cara Delevingne and lookalike newcomer Genevieve Gaunt. Gaunt is also known to the Harry Potter cinematic universe as Draco Malfoy's girlfriend Pansy Parkinson. Meanwhile, Knox and her ex-boyfriend continue to fight against the Italian court ruling that uphold the initial trial verdict in 2009.
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